How Long Does Tomato Paste Last In The Fridge? [February 2024]

Tomato paste is a concentrated form of tomatoes that has been cooked down and reduced to a thick, rich consistency. It is made by removing the skin and seeds from tomatoes, then cooking the remaining flesh to evaporate the water content, resulting in a concentrated tomato flavor.

Now a days, tomato paste is an essential ingredient for cooking. But It is not possible to make tomato paste regularly or while cooking. So, we need to reserve the paste for future use.

Reserve tomato paste in the fridge is the best way to use paste on demand. Question is how long does tomato paste last in the fridge?

In this guide, we will discuss in details about how long does tomato paste last in the fridge? So lets get started.

How Long Does Tomato Paste Last In The Fridge

Here’s a basic process for making tomato paste

Selecting Tomatoes: Choose ripe, flavorful tomatoes. Roma tomatoes are often preferred for their low moisture content and rich flavor.

Peeling and Seeding: Remove the skin and seeds from the tomatoes. This can be done by blanching the tomatoes in hot water to loosen the skin and then plunging them into cold water for easy peeling. Cut the tomatoes and scoop out the seeds.

Cooking: Simmer the peeled and seeded tomatoes in a pot to evaporate the water content. This can take several hours, depending on the quantity of tomatoes and desired thickness of the paste. Stir the mixture occasionally to prevent burning.

Straining (Optional): Some recipes call for straining the cooked tomatoes to remove any remaining seeds or solids, resulting in a smoother paste.

Packaging: Once the desired consistency is reached, the tomato paste can be cooled and then packaged in jars or other airtight containers.

Storing: Store the tomato paste in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator. It can also be frozen for longer-term storage.

Tomato paste is a versatile ingredient used in various cuisines to add depth of flavor to sauces, soups, stews, and other dishes.

It’s known for its concentrated tomato taste and ability to enhance the umami profile of recipes. Commercially produced tomato paste is also widely available in cans or tubes for convenience.

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how long does tomato paste last in the fridge?

When stored properly in the refrigerator, homemade or commercially produced tomato paste can last for quite some time. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Opened Commercial Tomato Paste:
    • Once opened, transfer the remaining tomato paste to an airtight container.
    • It can last in the refrigerator for about 5 to 7 days.
  2. Unopened Commercial Tomato Paste:
    • If unopened and stored in the original can, it can last for several months beyond the expiration date if kept in proper conditions.
  3. Homemade Tomato Paste:
    • If you’ve made your own tomato paste, it can last in the refrigerator for about 5 to 7 days.
    • You can also freeze homemade tomato paste for longer storage. Portion it into small containers or ice cube trays for easy use.

Always check for signs of spoilage, such as off odors, mold growth, or changes in color and texture. If any of these are present, it’s best to discard the tomato paste.

Remember that these are general guidelines, and actual storage times may vary depending on factors like temperature, storage conditions, and the specific characteristics of the tomato paste.

If you have concerns about the freshness of your tomato paste, it’s better to err on the side of caution and replace it if needed.

Use of tomato paste

Tomato paste is a versatile ingredient used in a variety of dishes to add depth, richness, and a concentrated tomato flavor. Here are some common uses of tomato paste in cooking:

  1. Sauces and Gravies:
    • Tomato paste is a key ingredient in many pasta sauces, such as marinara, Bolognese, and puttanesca.
    • It can be added to meat or vegetable gravies to enhance the flavor and color.
  2. Soups and Stews:
    • Tomato paste is often used in soups and stews to add a robust tomato flavor. It can be the base for tomato soup or contribute to the flavor profile of vegetable or meat-based stews.
  3. Curries and Stews:
    • In certain cuisines, tomato paste is used in the preparation of curries and stews to add both color and a tangy taste. It complements the spices and brings a balanced acidity to the dish.
  4. Pizza and Flatbreads:
    • Tomato paste is a common base for pizza and flatbread sauces. It provides a concentrated tomato flavor and helps create a well-balanced sauce for these dishes.
  5. Chilis and Casseroles:
    • Tomato paste is a great addition to chili recipes, providing depth and richness to the overall flavor.
    • It can be used in various casseroles to enhance the tomato component of the dish.
  6. Homemade Ketchup:
    • Tomato paste is a key ingredient in making homemade ketchup. By combining it with vinegar, sweeteners, and spices, you can create your own flavorful ketchup.
  7. Marinades and Glazes:
    • Tomato paste can be used in marinades for meats, adding both flavor and color.
    • It can also be used to make glazes for roasted vegetables or grilled meats.
  8. Rice and Grain Dishes:
    • Tomato paste can be added to rice or grain dishes to impart a tomato flavor. It works well in dishes like paella or jambalaya.
  9. Homemade BBQ Sauce:
    • Tomato paste is a common ingredient in homemade barbecue sauce. It contributes to the thickness and flavor of the sauce.
  10. Enhancing Flavor in Various Dishes:
    • Tomato paste can be used as a flavor enhancer in various recipes, even if tomatoes are not the primary focus. A small amount can add a rich umami taste to dishes.

When using tomato paste, it’s common to start by sautéing it briefly in oil to intensify its flavor before adding other ingredients. Additionally, tomato paste is often diluted with water, broth, or wine depending on the recipe and desired consistency.

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The shelf life of tomato paste in the fridge depends on whether it’s commercially produced or homemade. For opened commercial tomato paste stored in an airtight container, it typically lasts about 5 to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Unopened commercial tomato paste, when kept in its original packaging, can last for several months beyond the expiration date if stored properly.

Homemade tomato paste has a similar shelf life of about 5 to 7 days in the fridge, but it can be frozen for longer storage.

It’s important to check for signs of spoilage, such as off odors, mold growth, or changes in color and texture. Proper storage conditions, including refrigeration and the use of airtight containers, are key to maintaining the freshness of tomato paste.

If you’re unsure about the safety or quality of your tomato paste, it’s best to replace it.